"I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink" - Matthew 25:35
Our commitment to serving the hungry across our 1 mile radius remains as strong as ever despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Though we may reach families beyond our 1 mile it is our focus to touch the hurting in our backyard. We are working diligently to protect the health and safety of those we serve.
Your generosity helps provide hot meals for children, families, and seniors in need across our 1 mile radius in Tarrant County.
Thank you for your generous support.
Your gift of $50 will help feed 10 families.
Now is the time to make a donation to help those who are most in need.
Your gift of $75 will help feed 20 families.
You can help us feed those in need by donating now.
Your gift of $100 will help feed 50 families.
Support those in need now by making a donation.
People We Have Feed
Our Community Radius
Population of Community
Our Monthly Goal